The Key Innovations in Photo and Video Editing

man holding a photograph of a woman and editing it on the computer

Photography and videography have been around for at least 200 years. Other than the invention of the internet and more recent technological innovations like smartphones, photography and videography are considered some of the most important inventions throughout the past few centuries. This isn’t a surprise since being able to “immortalize” memories and moments in the form of photos and videos have proven to be effective ways of documentation.

As the decade’ pass, innovations in equipment used in photography and videography have led to image manipulation, which helped increase the quality of photos and videos. But other than just increasing the quality of images, photo and video editing have also been used by movie industries and business organizations to create content and advertising products and services.

There’s no doubt that photo manipulation is one of the most lucrative businesses out there, and for a good reason. Whether it’s marketing for a product, editing your wedding photo, or refining the photos you have for your photography portfolio, there are practically endless ways of benefiting from photo manipulation. In fact, photo manipulation is known for being so useful that it’s heavily used in the fashion industry to “enhance” women’s appearance.

But as technology progresses, there’s bound to be even more uses to photo and video manipulation. With innovations in AI, cameras in phones and DSLRs, and editing software, many features have been developed this year, and even more in the coming years. So what does the future of image manipulation look like? What are some ideas that tech giants have in mind that can help the photo and video editing community? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

State-of-the-Art Editing Software

For a lot of photographers and videographers, editing software will always be a must-have, especially if you want to optimize the quality of photos. In the past few years, various innovations have revolutionized how photographers and marketers will use editing software.

Smartphone Applications

Gone are the days that people needed to have red rooms and photo development rooms built just for the sole purpose of photo development. Why would you need one when you can easily edit photos with the convenience of a device in the palm of your hands. Most smartphones these days have downloadable mobile applications that can do on-the-fly image optimization. Usually, influencers and social media pages will use mobile editing software as a quick way of creating content.

AI Processing

Not only are these phones “smart” enough to edit photos, but they’re also smart enough to recognize what you’re taking photos of. Most smartphones and newer DSLR cameras have built-in processors that can help process photos right after taking them.

Certain social media platforms have filter applications that incorporate facial recognition and AI processing to manipulate real-time images.

woman graphic designer editing photo

Professional Editing Services

Although there are quite a number of innovations in the last few years that have affected how most designers, programmers, and artists have worked, skill and knowledge still play a crucial role in image manipulation. Although you might know the basics of editing photos that might help bring customers to your domain or website, you might want to leave editing to professionals. Fortunately, some product image editing services can optimize your images for the best quality possible.

Having good-quality images and eye-grabbing content can increase the likelihood of potential customers buying from your E-commerce store or domain. You’d be surprised at the results of having high-quality images on your business!

Photographers, videographers, marketers, and aspiring artists can use countless software and applications to edit and manipulate images to their own liking. These are great ways of marketing products, editing photos for events, and creating a professional portfolio.


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