Stuck in Quarantine? Here Are Things You Can Do Other Than to Netflix and Chill

girl cooking

If you’re like most people in the world who are self-isolating right now, thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, there’s a fair chance you’ll get bored out of your skull at some point. Why not keep yourself busy by trying your hands on something new? This way, you can fight off the boredom, get yourself out of a downward spiral, and have something else to do while waiting for all this to be over. Here are some suggestions:

Record Yourself While Cooking

While everyone on social media is either Netflix and chilling or uploading their TikTok videos, you have the choice to take the road less traveled. Instead of catching up on your favorite show or TV series, why not create your own? This goes out to all the chefs, cooks, and food connoisseurs out there. Try your hands at vlogging and record yourself while cooking and preparing meals.

You don’t necessarily have to upload the videos on the internet. If you want, keep it to yourself and watch it in the future as a reminder of what you did when you were bored during a pandemic.

Do a Makeup Challenge

Remember that makeup look you saw from your favorite vlogger last month? You promised yourself you’d recreate that look but your nine-to-five kept getting in the way. Now that you’re in isolation for an indefinite period, try doing a makeup challenge for a week. Try out a new look every day for seven days and then feel free to post it on your social accounts (or not).

Try a New Beer Brew

If you’re a seasoned home-brewer, now is the best time to do a small-scale brewing session at home and try a new recipe. You can experiment with hops you’ve never tried before. Here are some suggestions: Mandarina Bavaria, if you want citrus notes in your beer, Lubelski if you crave that mild aroma, Kazbek if you’re a fan of spicy notes with a hint of lemon, and Huell Melon if you love fruity flavors.

The process usually takes two weeks or longer. With the indefinite quarantine, you’ll have ample time to do the brewing and fermentation. By the time the quarantine is lifted, you’ll have bottles to pop at home.

woman drawing

Make Some Art

When was the last time you held a paintbrush and came face to face with a blank canvas? With more time to spare, you can finally catch up with your hobby and pursue your passion. Grab your art materials and dedicate a whole day to draw, paint, or practice calligraphy. You can also make music, record your compositions, or write a blog.

Reach Out to Those in Need

There’s more to quarantine life than Netflix and chilling. If you’re one to find a sense of purpose in helping others, now is the time to donate your time, resources, or expertise to help those who are affected by the pandemic. The world needs you. Reach out when you can and be the light in someone’s darkest times.


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