How to Use Social Media Marketing the Right Way for 2022

different social media platforms

Social media marketing is changing. With so many options, it can be hard to know where to start. It might be challenging to think about what to do with all that information you have about your customer’s demographics.

It might seem overwhelming at first. However, if you take one step at a time and make sure each part of the process works together seamlessly, your business will be on its way to success sooner than you think.

Here are seven ways you can use social media marketing in 2022:

1. Engage with your community

In 2022, social media engagement is all about relationships. Keep an active conversation going by responding to customers and fans as quickly as possible. Social media has a short memory. Suppose a customer or potential customer sent a question or comment and doesn’t get a response on the first day. They’re likely to take their business elsewhere.

For example, if someone asks for your business hours on Facebook, make sure to respond with the information as soon as possible. This way, you won’t lose customers due to miscommunication.

If you can, try live-streaming videos of your staff responding to comments and questions in real-time. If you feel like this will be too much of an undertaking, try hiring a dedicated social media assistant to help you out.

2. Keep your community active

To have a thriving social media presence, you need to be sure that activity is coming from all directions. In 2022, you’ll want to include articles and blog posts in your social media marketing strategy and share exciting stories from relevant outlets and accounts.

For example, suppose you’re a car GPS company running a deal on GPS devices for a car expo. In that case, you can share automobile-related news or articles on your social media accounts and encourage a friendly discussion.

3. Build a website that works for your marketing strategy

In 2022, your business will need a website that’s as engaging as your social media accounts. Make sure you’re using as much information as possible to fit social sharing buttons on all your pages.

You’ll also want to integrate all of your social media marketing channels into one cohesive webpage so that it’s easy for customers to navigate and engage with you across the board. For example, suppose someone finds a blog post you wrote on LinkedIn. In that case, they should easily click through to your main website and sign up for your newsletter using the same account they already have.

marketing team strategizing

4. Use real-time marketing tactics

In 2022, people’s attention spans are going to get even shorter. Businesses will need social media marketing strategies that involve real-time, up-to-date information to stay relevant.

For example, if you’re hosting a contest on social media to win tickets to the game, make sure that it doesn’t end until the game is over. This way, people won’t miss out on your once-in-a-lifetime offer due to poor timing.

If possible, try making your social media updates time-sensitive and location-specific. For example, if you’re hosting a special event at your storefront, promote it to nearby customers who are currently in the area.

5. Cross-promote across platforms

In 2022, cross-promotion is going to be more critical than ever. Ensure that every social media account you run is connected to all the others. This way, if someone shares your update with their community of followers on one channel, they’ll show up as a shared update on all of your other channels as well. This eventually multiplies the reach of every post.

For example, link your Twitter account to Facebook and LinkedIn. When you do this, when you tweet out something new, your followers will see it in their news feed and be able to share it with their community.

6. Pay attention to the mobile market

In 2022, mobile devices will continue to play a huge role in social media marketing. Make sure that every update you post is easy-to-read and accessible from a phone or tablet.

You might even want to hire a mobile marketing company or agency to help your business stay on top of the industry. For example, if you’re looking for a way to reach out to customers who are out and about with easy-to-digest information they can share with their friends and family, geotargeted mobile marketing is the way to go.

7. Personalize your presence

In 2022, it will be all about personalization. Make sure that your updates and social media posts are personalized for every customer who sees them.

For example, if you’re posting a blog article on LinkedIn with tips on how to start a home-based catering business, change up the tips so that they’re relevant to your customers. If you sell home-cooked meals for kids with specific allergies, be sure to include that information in your post.

As social media marketing evolves, businesses of all types and sizes need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. The seven ways described in this article should help you get started on your strategy. But if any of these tactics sound intimidating or like something you don’t have time for right now, let us know.


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