8 Easy Business Ideas to Gain or Acquire Money

As many of us continue to struggle financially, we’re all looking for different ways that we can extend our income. But, a lot of us can’t take on an extra shift at work or simply ask our bosses for a raise, leaving us in an endless cycle of debt and frustration. Plus, as the cost of living continues to rise exponentially, it can feel as if these struggles are endless. Luckily, this article has everything you need to know about how to gain or acquire money in this complex economic landscape.

8 Services That Will Help You Earn More Money

1. A Small Water Delivery Service

Though water is an essential aspect of human life, many of us struggle to obtain large quantities of it. Whether it’s lining up in the grocery store or collecting bottles from a wholesale establishment, a lot of people find it difficult to carry heavy bottles of water back to their homes. In order to combat this issue, water delivery services have begun to emerge, dropping bottles of water right at a customer’s front door. Typically, this type of water service focuses on offices, sending water cooler bottles to high-rise structures up and down the country. But, these services are also available to those who may not be able to leave their home due to disability or mental health issues. Thus, if you’re looking for a simple way to gain or acquire money, consider working for a local water delivery service. Even though some water service companies require their employees to use their own vehicles to complete the deliveries, according to Talent.com, these workers have the chance to earn an average of $51,699 per year. Plus, some freelance delivery drivers use apps such as Waterwa, My Water+, and Waterdrop to find regular jobs, making this an ideal industry for gig workers or those who want to earn a bit of extra cash when it suits them best.

2. House Cleaning Service

There’s no denying that our homes are our sanctuaries, but sometimes we may find it difficult to find the time to clean our precious properties alongside all of our other commitments. As such, some homeowners prefer to use a cleaner to complete these maintenance tasks on their behalf. House cleaners are trained to complete a number of jobs, from dusting the window sills to doing the laundry. As such, this is a great way to gain or acquire money if you love keeping things neat and tidy or are eager to help others. If a person’s home is in complete disarray, you may be required to contact a dumpster rental service to ensure that all the debris can be cleared away before you start cleaning. Normally, this role doesn’t require any formal qualifications, which is useful to note if you’re looking to take on some cleaning jobs as a lucrative side hustle or are against getting a college diploma. In addition, since this role is built on high levels of trust and security, it’s a great prospect for those with experience in the public sector or customer service industry. Ziipia informs us that a standard house cleaner can expect to earn anything between $21,000 to $36,000 per year, with the median average sitting at $27,996. Although this may not seem like much to some people, it can be a great role for those who are in between jobs and need to have some additional income to help them cover their bills.

3. Boat Cleaning Service

Anyone who owns a boat will state that they see this asset as their pride and joy. Due to their admiration and devotion to these vehicles, many boat owners will do anything they can to keep them in good condition. Plus, a lot of these owners try to keep their assets safe and sound at all times, storing them in immense units like a boat storage location. Boat cleaning services are very popular in affluent locations all over the country, giving you the chance to enjoy some of the finer things in life whilst you work. This role also gives you the chance to enjoy the benefits of self-employment, allowing you to set your own schedule and prices. However, this business can be hard to set up, especially since you’ll be expected to find your own customers and buy your own supplies. Therefore, this is a useful opportunity for those who would like to clean boats alongside their regular job as a way to develop an additional stream of income. But, if you have experience with working on boats, such as an engineer or a deckhand, you can also add these services to your catalog of work, allowing you to cover these outgoings and earn money in a collection of unique ways. If you would prefer to work for an established company, Salary.com notes that you could earn an average of $29,035 per year.

4. Start a Local Marketing Business

If you’re fortunate enough to live in a bustling region that’s teeming with quirky pop-up shops and divine restaurants, you may be able to gain or acquire money by setting up a marketing firm in your local region. Admittedly, this could be a difficult feat if you’ve never worked in marketing before, but this can be a great opportunity for those who are eager to work for themselves and help local establishments thrive in their respective industries. This is also a great route for employees who have previously worked in the PR industry or advertising sector, as these roles usually offer them a collection of transferable skills that they can use in the marketing industry. Even simple businesses such as a sign repair service or a banner printing service could use a helping hand in their next marketing campaign, so you’re sure to collect a wealth of prosperous clients in no time. However, it should also be noted that you will be expected to file your own taxes and complete any legal documentation if you’re interested in working as a sole trader. Since marketing is such a popular and profitable industry across the world, potential employees have the prime opportunity to earn very high levels of income. In fact, Glassdoor notes that marketing managers can earn as low as $68,000 up to $$117,000. However, this source notes that the average salary for this role is around $86,840 with the potential to earn a collection of cash benefits.

5. House Maintenance Contractor

Some of us are not handy whatsoever and so rely on house maintenance contractors to help fix our most essential appliances. As such, if you have keen experience with AC repair services or refrigerator fixing, it’s a good idea to share these services with others. In order to gain or acquire money from these services, you could apply for a job with a local maintenance company or promote your work independently as a freelancer. You don’t just have to fix household appliances in this role, contractors also have the opportunity to work on a larger project such as a septic service. This allows workers to repair a variety of septic tanks to ensure that their local water system can continue to run smoothly. Some of these contractors can work alongside local governments to help improve a selection of community-based initiatives, which is beneficial for those looking to make a positive change in their native region. Plus, this is also a great way for workers to escape the stressors of the corporate world and begin enjoying the freedom and creativity that manual labor provides. Indeed.com explains that a typical building maintenance contractor usually earns an average of $20.92 per hour. Though this may sound quite low, the source also notes that these workers also have the chance to earn an additional $6,500 a year in overtime and some companies also offer lucrative 401K contributions.

6. Offer Car Repair Services

If you consider yourself to be an avid lover of cars and feel like you know your way around a standard engine, you may benefit from sharing this experience with others to help you to gain or acquire money. Car repairs can be extremely expensive for the average vehicle owner, particularly if they are forced to take their car to a registered dealership or if it requires a series of complex repairs. But, since so many of us rely on our cars to help get us from point A to point B, we feel like we have no choice but to pay such collosal prices. Yet, if you offer your services at a more affordable price, you can attract a whole host of avid customers, helping you to secure a large section of this immensely competitive market. However, if you don’t feel comfortable working independently and feel like you would be better suited to working alongside a selection of other mechanics, Career Explorer states that you have the potential to earn an average of $46,880 per year. They also note that 20% of auto mechanics can earn up to $75,100 a year, which is useful to note if you have experience in a very niche sector such as custom details or electric vehicles.

7. Small Appliance Repair Services

Small appliances such as washing machines, microwave ovens, and kettles are imperative for any household as they allow us to complete our daily tasks with ease. But, when these appliances get older, they tend to slow down and show key signs of wear and tear. Usually, homeowners will simply throw these items away and buy a newer model, adding to high levels of waste and landfill. But, if these appliances were initially very expensive or regarded as family heirlooms, it’s better to recruit a handyman to help you preserve these items. Plus, workers who have experience with vast corporations such as Whirlpool repair services, could market themselves as an expert in this area. Therefore, you have the potential to enter a very bustling market just by using skills you’ve picked up over the years. Comparably explains that an Appliance Repair Technician usually earns anywhere from $22,017 to $223,218, with the average salary sitting at $50,086. Thus, this can be a great way for you to gain or acquire money without having to develop a plethora of new skills.

8. Offer Pool Cleaning Services

Although swimming pools can be an incredibly valuable asset to many homes, there’s no denying the fact that they can be extremely difficult to maintain. Whether it’s repairing the pool coating or removing debris from the surface of the water, many people struggle to keep up with all the tasks associated with these facilities. In order to stop these jobs from piling up, many homeowners will recruit a pool contractor to help them out. These workers typically have a lot of experience with swimming pools, allowing them to keep the space in good condition all year round. Therefore, if you spent your childhood in the soothing coolness of your family swimming pool or if you own one currently, you could use this past experience to gain or acquire money. Consider marketing your skills and experience on social media, highlighting how you could help homeowners keep their pool clean and safe throughout the year. If you’re eager to obtain a more long-term position, try to get a role at your local pool cleaning company. This is a great opportunity for those who want to show off their experience whilst also reaping the benefits of being employed by a certified establishment. ZipRecruiter states that pool cleaners normally earn $16.83 per hour, which is a useful fact to note if you’re looking to work seasonally or part-time.

For those looking to gain or acquire money in a quick and easy fashion, there is an abundance of services available to help you increase your income. Whether you’re looking for some part-time gigs or a more substantial position, you are sure to find a lucrative role in some of the services discussed in this piece. Thus, if you’re eager to enjoy a better quality of life, be sure to research the services highlighted in this article.




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